
Young Leader in Pharmacy Olivier Landry: "Young leaders can play a key role in improving our practice."

My biggest motivation is the direct impact I have on my patients and colleagues. Since I started being involved, I have always kept in mind the wellbeing of the students, my patients and other professionals.

Young Leader in Pharmacy Alina Rashid: "As pharmacists we are uniquely positioned to work in a diverse range of settings."

As pharmacists we are uniquely positioned to work in a diverse range of settings – community pharmacy, hospital, government, pharmaceutical companies, insurance companies, and beyond. Be open to new experiences and new challenges – you grow when you are uncomfortable.

Bridging gaps in health care

Pharmacists and their teams were pushed to the limit during COVID-19, and they proved their mettle. The achievements and sheer “stick-to-itiveness” of community pharmacies have served to cement their viability as community health hubs.

Young Leader in Pharmacy Anisha Kaur Sandhu: "...keeping busy and productive keeps me motivated and drives me to do better."

I firmly believe that to lead a purposeful life we need to have the humility to keep learning, the resilience to keep adapting and the passion to keep improving.

3 key tips to help you become a more intuitive, customer-focused pharmacist

On the surface, for many pharmacists meeting a customer’s needs might mean filling an Rx accurately with the appropriate counselling, but the more important benefit is not necessarily the patient’s stated purpose.

Google versus the pharmacist

The greatest threat to pharmacy practice today is in pharmacists maintaining their relevancy to both patients and payers. While we are becoming less necessary for technical work and checking prescriptions, our other role as “counselling” on medications can also easily become obsolete.

Dr. Johanne Morel: a beacon in the North

Dr. Johanne Morel was selected by her peers for the Making a Difference Award in the Medical Post Awards.

Follicular lymphoma: 6-year follow-up of the RELEVANCE trial

A recent study found the drug combination lenalidomide + rituximab is a durable, effective and safe alternative to the standard regimen combining rituximab and chemotherapy.

Young Leader in Pharmacy Lauren Lueken: "Young leaders are eager to implement change to improve the future of the current system."

I believe young leaders are beginning to pave an exciting path for the future of the pharmacy profession by introducing a fresh perspective and new approach to providing patient care.

Kidney cancer: a new indication approved for Keytruda

The treatment is approved for patients who have a moderate to high risk of recurrence, following nephrectomy or nephrectomy accompanied by surgical resection of metastatic lesions.