
Welcome to Canadian Healthcare Network!

Welcome to the new! If you are a registered user, you can log in with your existing credentials. Not a member? It's free and easy to register. Here's what's new . . .

We are delighted to welcome you to the new site, an online community for Canadian physicians, pharmacists, nurses and healthcare managers.

It has been 12 years (!) since we launched our integrated website, and we are happy to provide our loyal readers — and new ones too — with an up-to-date platform, easier navigation, faster site loading and a much-improved mobile experience. What won't change is our content: topical, informative, and created with you in mind.

For your first visit, you will need to log in to read the articles. You can use the same email address and password you have been using to access

Forgot your password? Click on "forgot password" on the login page.

Forgot the email address you registered with? You can find it at the bottom of any newsletter you receive from us.

Once you are logged in, you can update your profile at any time by clicking on the "profile" button at the top of every page.

Not a registered member? Join today! It's easy and free of charge. Click here to register.
